What did the primates of Russian show business look like before they made plastic surgery
For more than two hundred years, plastic surgeries have been guarding women's youth and beauty. It's not so easy to find a pop diva who has never made changes to her own appearance surgically. In principle, this is quite a logical step for women of a certain age, whose fees are directly dependent on the cuteness of the face. In this matter, domestic artists do not lag behind their Western colleagues at all. And some even overdo it.
Ekaterina Varnavasex, a symbol of Russian television, has performed so many manipulations on her face that it seems as if there are two different people in these photos.
Valeria 15 years ago, the singer looked significantly older than she is now.
Olga Buzova, the presenter of the show "Dom-2", has acquired a more noble appearance.
Alain Vodonaevachy cannot be said about Vodonaeva's model.
The singer Polina Gagarina denies any surgical intervention, but there are suspicions that such cheeks do not disappear by themselves.
Yulia Nachalovanachalova, apparently, ordered an All-inclusive package.
But it turned out pretty well in general.
Yulia VolkovaTrogatelnaya Volkova, as the country knew her from the group "Tattoo", is no more.
Elena Proklova is a frequent guest of a plastic surgeon.
You would never say that she is 63 years old.
Lolita Milyavskayalolita does not hide either her age or her favor for plastic surgery.
The chin, for example, has really become more attractive.
Masha Malinovskayada, in both photos Masha Malinovskaya.
Bonus: Nikita Dzhigurda
Keywords: Actresses | Women | Stars | Singers | Plastic surgery | Show business