What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty

Categories: Celebrities | Life hacks | Society |

Quarantine to hold for the benefit of soul and body. For example, it can be devoted to personal care. The most famous beauties like to spoil yourself with relaxation in a warm bath, because it not only pleasant but also useful. They add water features to look young and beautiful.

Coffee, milk, and even Coca-Cola: learn the secret to perfect supplements skin and hair after bathing shared by supermodels, singer and actress.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty

Sit at home on self-isolation is to have the opportunity to give yourself more time and enjoy a long, hot baths. Many celebrities prefer to use your foam, but also a variety of additives, which give the skin a youthful radiance, and body — energy and tone.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Supermodel Naomi Campbell said that the best way for her to relax — a bath with chalk and vinegar. Experts say that this combination softens the skin, relieves pain and stress, and exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Mariah Carey prefers to take a bath with milk. She claims it helps her regain her voice. Fat and protein contained in milk are beneficial to the body, and lactic acid cleanses and softens the skin.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
The star of the show "Desperate Housewives," Teri Hatcher loves wine baths. She does not drink alcohol, but loves to swim. The actress adds to the tub with a glass of wine and says it softens the skin. The grape has powerful antioxidant properties, so its beneficial effect on the body cannot be denied.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Catherine Zeta-Jones is washing hair with beer and honey. She also blends them with salt and used as a nourishing and exfoliating body scrub. The only drawback: curls a few days smell like beer. Intoxicating drink contains a lot of protein and vitamins, which gives hair health and Shine.
What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Halle berry prefers to use as a scrub coffee. It does it while taking a bathroom to remove the dead skin cells. Caffeine nourishes the skin, tightens it and accelerates blood flow. In addition, the star claims that the coffee scrub reduces the appearance of cellulite.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Jennifer Lopez fills the tub with flower petals. Actress and singer says it helps her keep youth and beauty. She uses rose quartz, Himalayan salt, and hibiscus. This combination maximum relaxes the muscles of the body.
What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Actress January Jones loves to relax in the hot tub. She adds in the water for a pound of sea salt and baking soda, and then wet in the solution no less than 20 minutes. This procedure makes the star once or twice a week to clean the body from toxins.

What baths are the stars, to save the youth and beauty
Kate Hudson puts face in the icy water when it looks swollen and tired. Cold bath constricts the blood vessels, reduces swelling and reduces the destruction of the skin.

Women have made many efforts to save the youth and freshness of the skin. However, there are 5 habits that negatively affect the skin and approaching old age, about which you never knew existed.

Keywords: Bath | Beauty | Hollywood | Supplements | Women | Isolation | Quarantine | Skin | Beauty | Relaxation | Secrets | Tips | Body care

