What are waves

Categories: Ecology | Photo project |

Sian ka'an is a unique biosphere reserve, located along the Caribbean coast of Mexico, but going by the currents bring on the shores of this Paradise garbage from all over the world. New York-based artist Alejandro Duran collects this trash and creates his awesome colored landscapes with the aim of "to display the tension between nature and over-developed world of man." The project is called "swept away."

Duran tells that during a walk through the nature reserve collided with debris from 50 countries on six different continents. In some scenes, the garbage is depicted as it might keep the waves, where it is obvious that the artist made the composition. In all cases, however, the message is clear: "the Project represents a new form of colonization — consumerism, where even the untouched land is not immune from the harmful effects of the culture of one time use".

What are waves
What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


What are waves


Keywords: Mexico | Ecology | Garbage | Wave | Kinky | Latin America | Photo show | Modern art

