War paint and superstition wild: amazing pictures Karo tribe
Stunning pictures show the life of the Karo tribe — the smallest in Ethiopia. Members of the community covered from head to toe combat ornaments based paint ash and animal fat. The natives wear clothes of animal skin, embellishing it with white shells. Almost all men have guns, donated by European travelers 50 years ago. The weapon passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom, and is used to scare away enemies. Despite aggressive people Karo very friendly and welcoming.

The Karo tribe is the smallest in Ethiopia. The number of its members up to 2000. They live in the valley of the river OMO. The natives use the sludge that remains after floods during the rainy season for fertilizing cultivated land. Recently, the Ethiopian government was built on a river dam, which changed the natural flow of water and damage to agriculture tribes.

Aboriginal people make on their bodies are amazing drawings for beauty and war. Men paint themselves brighter than the female to look more attractive and brave. They believe that the painted warrior looks scary in the eyes of opponents.
On the planet there are still people, almost untouched by civilization. Tribe of waorani is one of them. The natives living in the Amazon jungle and lead a primitive way of life.
Keywords: Aboriginal | Life | Warriors | Customs | Ornaments | Weapons | Tribe | Rare photos | River | Ritual | Agriculture | Superstition | Photographer | Ethiopia