View from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: how did Moscow in 1867

Categories: History |

In September 1839 the solemn laying of the new temple of Christ the Savior. The construction lasted almost 44 years.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church near the Kremlin on the left Bank of the Moscow river, the place previously referred to as Certallum. The original temple was built in gratitude to God for the salvation of Russia from Napoleon's invasion: " the preservation of the eternal memory of that unprecedented zeal, fidelity and love for Faith and Fatherland, what in these difficult times extolled the Russian people themselves, and to mark Our gratitude to divine Providence for saving Russia from the doom that overshadowed her". The walls of the temple were inscribed the names of Russian army officers who died in the war of 1812 and other loved ones at the time military campaigns.

View from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: how did Moscow in 1867
View from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: how did Moscow in 1867

Keywords: The nineteenth century | The city of Moscow with height | Photo archives | Photography | Temple

