Before becoming a famous sex symbol named Marilyn Monroe, 20-year-old Norma Jean Dougherty and her lover, photographer Andre de Dienes, came to Malibu Beach. There, on the sand dunes, the future blonde and sex bomb posed for a photo shoot.
According to André de Dienes, she was 20 years old and had never experienced dizziness from success. However, even then one could see glimpses of her magnificence - in her laughter. The photographer asked the girl to pose and respond instinctively, without thinking, to the words “happiness”, “surprise”, “reflection”, “doubt”, “peace of mind”, “sadness”, “self-flagellation” and “death”. When the photographer said the word "death", Norma took the edges of her dark clothes and covered her head. For her, death was darkness, emptiness. Then Andre tried to get a different reaction from the future actress, explaining that death can be a new beginning and hope. Norma shrugged and said that death would always mean only a black void to her, the end of everything.
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Unidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her lover Source: Unidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her loverUnidentified beach photos of Marilyn Monroe taken by her lover