This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works

Just when we thought no artist could surprise us with their work, we discovered the unique creations of Sam Ward. Have you ever seen his "pavement paintings" made using a power washer? It sounds exotic and extraordinary, but that’s exactly what Ward’s art is—out of this world. Sometimes, his work even features beings from other galaxies.

We contacted Sam to find out more about his creative work. We asked how he first realized the artistic potential of a power washer. We learned that: “When schools were closed due to COVID and my kids were stuck at home, I bought a huge box of sidewalk chalk with plans for us to color the entire driveway. But before we could do that, I figured that I should pressure wash the driveway first.

I owned a pressure washer but had probably only ever used it a handful of times. So I went to go clean my driveway but got bored and started drawing shapes that looked like flames. The next day, instead of going out to finish the cleaning job, I drew more pictures. And I guess the rest is history.”

More info: Instagram |

This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


This Guy Used A Pressure Washer To Create Art On The Street, And Here Are His 13 Best Works


Keywords: Pressure Washer | Street art | Creativity | Pavement paintings | Artworks | Artists

