Owls are adorable birds. Their gestures and facial expressions are sometimes so similar to ours that it is impossible not to fall in love with these birds. Especially after this post that we have prepared for you.
100. Sensuality (soocurious.com )
99. Atmospheric (Nigel Pye)
98. Originality (Leonardo Casadei)
97. Victory (Canadian Freebird)
96. Cheerfulness (pinterest.com )
95. Singability (naturfotografen-forum.de )
94. Impetuosity (Peter Krejzl)
93. Frown (flauscheria.soup.io )
92. Balancing act (Donal M. Jones)
91. Friendliness (pinterest.com )
90. Harmony (Robin Utrecht)
89. Domesticity (Daniel Cadieux)
88. Disguise (strangetravel.com )
87. Mystery (Daniel Cadieux)
86. Purposefulness (Austin Thomas)
85. Well, how so, huh? (Michael Levine)
84. Mystery (Mohd Khorshid)
83. Before coffee (pinterest.com )
82. After coffee (bogdannicolai.ro )
81. Wisdom (Benjamin Olson)
80. Zen (pinterest.com )
79. Charisma (Duke Coonrad)
78. Suspicion (Sue Kane)
77. Non-flying weather (pinterest.com )
76. Pride (Tambako The Jaguar)
75. Dance (imgur.com )
74. Nepotism (Paul Bannick)
73. Education (wildbynatureshop.com )
72. Love triangle (wallpapers4u.net )
71. Monday (Hidenobu Suzuki)
70. Reverence (dailymail.co.uk )
69. Perplexity (Eric Brown)
68. Sobriety (pinterest.com )
67. What-oh-oh? (pinterest.com)
66. Integrity (pinterest.com )
65. Swirls (9gag.com )
64. Oh, everything (pinterest.com )
63. I should have gone to bed earlier... (pinterest.com )
62. Spy (pinterest.com )
61. Superspy (pinterest.com )
60. Stuck in textures (pinterest.com )
59. The third extra (pinterest.com )
58. Found out (pinterest.com )
57. Me and my brother are a jerk (myanimalszoo.blogspot.ru )
56. Me and my strange family (pinterest.com )
55. I would sleep (ianimal.ru )
54. Please repeat the question (pinterest.com )
53. When is summer? (pinterest.com)
52. Do you have any cookies? (flickr.com)
51. Nothing to do with (pinterest.com )
50. Modesty (pinterest.com )
49. Yoga (pinterest.com )
48. Tenderness (pinterest.com )
47. Adaptation (pinterest.com )
46. Bullet (masterok.livejournal.com )
45. I missed the train (animals.ekstrax.com )
44. Do you respect me? (Simon Richards)
43. Neo (animals.ekstrax.com )
42. What did I do wrong again?! (tuxboard.com)
41. I got acquainted on my own head (tuxboard.com )
40. Just catch my eye! (tuxboard.com)
39. The Gang (Itamar Campos)
38. You're next! (gtsstatic.com )
37. Important (photoity.com )
36. My house is my fortress (kadir irkin)
34. Don't touch me, old lady, I'm sad (ianimal.ru )
33. How do you like my shorts? (pinterest.com)
32. Where is the salary? (Steve Shinn)
31. What happened here while I was sleeping? (imgur.com)
30. Mom, this is Polkan, and he will live with us (reshareworthy.com )
29. Come on?! (pinterest.com)
28. No one can lead us astray (pinterest.com )
27— - Don't bother? - No, it's fine (pinterest.com )