British scientists over the past few years have become heroes memes, jokes and anecdotes, due to their inexplicable passion for useless but costly research. It turns out, a strange idea came to light head pundits UK before, and there are known cases when experiments were not only unusual, but also dangerous.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"
Today it is not known which of the workers in science in good old England, came up with the idea of using biological weapons during World war II. The operation, which he called "Vegetarian" was sent by the gentlemen at the destruction of enemy forces, and the creation of Mora in domestic animals in the territory of Germany and the countries allies of the Reich. The British planned to infect the cattle of the enemy anthrax directly into the pastures to initiate the epidemic and associated famine.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"In a secret research centers of the Kingdom, it was estimated that during the operation, you can easily slay the deadly disease of almost all German cows, sheep and horses, and if you're lucky — and a large part of the pigs. Up to 60% of cattle and small livestock will fall, the survivors and the meat will become unfit for human consumption. Thus, the British scientists had planned to deliver a crushing blow to the Reich whose soldiers would immediately surrendered without good old German sausages and corned beef.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"The plan was good and very real, but decided not to rely on randomness, the British decided to check its effectiveness on the ground. For dangerous experiment was chosen a small island off the harsh coast of Scotland, where in the summer of 1942 brought 60 doomed sheep. A herd sprayed with deadly plane strain and have to wait for the effect. Predictably, all the sheep died within a few weeks, proving another triumph of British scientific thought. The experiment was completed, all participants received thank you, and left to decide purely formal question — to destroy a dangerous biological material, which was the carcasses of dead animals.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"Today, you can restore the chain of events is difficult, but it is clear that in the process not too careful disposal, pieces of meat fell into the sea, which threw them on a nearby, inhabited by people of the island. On the banks of the contaminated material picked up some animal, perhaps a dog or a cat, filling the deadly disease in the island's only village.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"Of course, soon the islanders began a massive loss of livestock. We must pay tribute to the war Department, which responded promptly to the complaints of the peasants. All the cattle on the island was seized and destroyed, and the owners received from the state full compensation for lost livestock and the fee for silence. Also a thorough disinfection of the island. By the way, the island was in quarantine under the supervision of epidemiologists more than 40 years. Only in 1986, after the disposal of the upper layer of the soil and handling the entire island formaldehyde, cautious Brits were brought to the island of animals, which, fortunately, survived.
The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation Vegetarian"What about "operation Vegetarian"? Fortunately bacteriological attack that could bring to their knees Reich, and at the same time to cause a huge epidemic of anthrax in all of Europe, did not take place. In 1943, the German forces lost the battle of Stalingrad, which led to a change on all fronts. It has become clear that the surrender of Germany — it's just a matter of time until the British decided to abandon his evil plan. 50 thousand infected linen "cutlets", designed for spreading bombers over the German grassland has been destroyed away from sin, and the silence of all participants in preparation for the Grand stupidity operations stimulated awards and state awards.