The hot ten of Soviet childhood

Categories: Children |

Each of us had our favorite toys, movies and ice cream varieties. Today we will try to recreate the hot ten of the Soviet child who lived in the era of stagnation and perestroika. Of course, all this will be a little subjective, because not all children liked to be "like everyone else". But still, let's try to name the hits of our childhood. So, let's start with the spiritual and the high, with books, music and movies.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood
The hot ten of Soviet childhood

1. The favorite book of our generation can be called "Dunno on the Moon".

And then it was an exciting action with chases, misadventures and quite adult humor. And the names are what! Los Poganos (Los Palmos), a Panopticon (almost Connecticut in sound), a gathering of oligarchs — big nonsense (from "nonsense" and "bedlam"). The names Scooperfield, Spruts, Julio — it reads funny even now. Shop of miscellaneous goods, santik (from centime), ferting (pound sterling). In general, a book for all times and for all ages.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

2. It is difficult to choose a favorite movie, but we will not be mistaken if we call Alice Selezneva our favorite movie heroine.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

3. It turned out to be difficult to name the song of the generation — one thing was sung in kindergartens and at pioneer events, another was shouted from the mafons — the exact opposite.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

4. The most hit cartoon of our generation can be called "The Mystery of the third planet".

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

5. Among the mass spectacles, the newsreel "Yeralash" can be distinguished.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

6. Favorite children's brand (or what is it?) the epochs we would call the Olympic Bear Cub — 80.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

7. Now let's move smoothly to toys. It is clear that the girls loved the Gadair dolls, and the boys — cars and moonwalkers.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

8. Now let's move from the spiritual to the daily bread, that is, to the varieties of ice cream.

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

9. The undoubted hit of our childhood is imported chewing gum (or chewing gum).

The hot ten of Soviet childhood

10. Among drinks, undoubtedly, the first place is occupied, no, not even Pepsi-Cola and not fanta, but soda from vending machines.

Keywords: Childhood | Nostalgia | USSR

