"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous

Categories: North America |

On March 1, the author of the Twitter account of right-wing activists Pol News Network published a photo from the New York subway, where a man in emphatically revealing women's clothing and a Muslim woman in a burqa are sitting next to each other. The picture with the caption "This is the future that liberals want" was retweeted almost 17 thousand times. After that, users began to share ironic images that describe a "liberal future."

(16 photos in total )

"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous

Source: Buzzfeed

In the replays to the tweet, people began to write that they did not see anything surprising in the photo: "Oh my God! Two people going about their business on the bus! Call the police!", "Two people are sitting quietly on the bus, what a horror! I thought it was easy to offend social justice zealots for any reason."

Many answered that this is exactly the future they want: "Freedom of religion, fancy transvestites in the middle of the day and well-established public transport? Where can I subscribe to this?!" or "Yes, heaven is on earth!", "A future in which people go about their business and do not harm those who differ from them? Yes, I dream of such a present." Another user said that the photo shows the present, and in the future no one will take pictures of people in such a situation.

The picture went viral: Twitter users began to fantasize about what other strange combinations are possible from the category of the biblical "when the lamb lies down with the lion." They are published with the words: "This is the future that liberals want."

"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous

The inscription on the picture: "Damn, this is homosexual space communism! I like it."

"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous

— Mom, when will the baby appear? — Soon, dear.

"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


"The Future that Liberals want" is a new American meme about a combination of incongruous


This is the future liberals want. pic.twitter.com/McFalAsuBX

— Elize Morgan (@elizemorgan) March 2, 2017

Posted by Gilda Wabbit (@gildawabbit) Feb 7, 2017 at 4:37 PST

Webbit told Buzzfeed News that the picture was originally published on an Instagram account about the New York subway - so the authors admired the diversity characteristic of New York.

According to Webbit, she absolutely does not care that right—wing activists use her photo, but she liked the reaction to this tweet: "I will not speak for all liberals, but I strive to ensure that all people - white, dark-skinned, drag queen, mother hens, heterosexuals, transsexuals, gays the workers, the middle class — could live as they want, without condemnation and fear."

Webbit does not know the woman who sat next to her in the subway, but hopes that she will be able to find her thanks to the resonance in the media: "I hope someday a photo of a woman in modest clothes next to a colorful drag queen will not surprise anyone so much - because it will become commonplace for everyone."

Keywords: Memes | Subway | New york | Variety | Combination

