The delights of family life

One day, Susan Kopich - a mother of two children and an actress - discovered that she was so carried away by the role of a mother that her agent stopped calling her with proposals for new roles, the children grew up, and family life left much to be desired. And then she decided to give vent to her negative emotions and show all the delights of family life, colored with black humor. I think the plots in some of her photographs will seem familiar to those who know about family life firsthand.


The delights of family life

1. "Happy day". (Photo: Susan Copich /

Susan calls herself a helicopter mom. The concept of a parent-helicopter first appeared in 1969 in the United States in Between Parent & Teenager by Dr. Haim Ginott about the problems between parents and teenage children, while mentioning the words of one young man complaining that “my mother is hovering over me. like a helicopter. " Since then, the term has been used to refer to a special category of parents who are overly protective of their children and are completely focused on their lives. And this applies not only to the period of infancy and school years of life but also to the time when children grow up and become students.

The delights of family life

2. "The time of the witch." (Photo: Susan Copich /

One day, Susan caught herself thinking that she was having a midlife crisis. As she writes on her website, "I realized that I was missing from family photos."

The delights of family life

3. "Time to swim." (Photo: Susan Copich /

And then she decided to catch up and capture herself in photographs that humorously show all the delights of their family life.

The delights of family life

4. "Baggage". (Photo: Susan Copich /

Inspired by the problems of everyday life, as well as by the work of the famous American photo artist Cindy Sherman, she shot scenes of "family happiness" for four years.

The delights of family life

5. "Good". (Photo: Susan Copich /

And a series of these funny photos was named “Domestic Bliss”.

The delights of family life

6. "Let go." (Photo: Susan Copich /

Susan in these photographs also showed her deeply hidden negative feelings about the position of the mother and wife, which have accumulated in her over the years.

The delights of family life

7. "Time for yourself." (Photo: Susan Copich /

From November 5th, the Umbrella Arts Gallery in New York is hosting an exhibition of photographs by Susan Copic.

The delights of family life

8. "The evil steward." (Photo: Susan Copich /

The delights of family life

9. "Sugar rush". (Photo: Susan Copich /

The delights of family life

10. "Toy". (Photo: Susan Copich /

The delights of family life

11. "Old habits." (Photo: Susan Copich /

The delights of family life

12. "Spare sticks". (Photo: Susan Copich /

The delights of family life

13. "Spilled milk". (Photo: Susan Copich /

Keywords: Family life | Photographs | Children | Relationship | People | Society | Lifestyle

