"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer

Categories: Photo project |

When Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he immediately realized that this was the love of his life. Less than two years later, in 2008, they got married in Central Park, surrounded by family and friends. However, five months later Jennifer was diagnosed with breast cancer. The newlyweds began the most difficult period in their lives, it was a real war. Friends and relatives provided them with various kinds of assistance: they sent food to the hospital, helped pay medical bills. Cancer was defeated.

However, in 2010, the couple's worst fears came true: The cancer returned and affected Jennifer's liver and bones. Angelo started taking photos of Jen to send them to his family: the couple lived in New York, and their whole family lived in Ohio. Angelo documented the treatment and the pain his wife was experiencing. Jennifer died in 2011. After her death, Angelo published a book called "The Battle We Didn't Choose."

"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer
"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


"The battle we didn't choose": an American captured how his wife was dying of cancer


Keywords: Battle | Illness | Wife | Love | Cancer | Death

