The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

Categories: Celebrities |

This story is not fiction — canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald actually managed to significantly improve their living conditions thanks to the modest start-up capital in the form of a regular paper clip red. Thanks to this cheap thing, which we sometimes are too lazy to bend over, boyfriend received a house in the canadian city of Kipling. As a bonus, Kyle became the champion of the Guinness Book of records and the legend of the world of marketing. As it had turned out? It turns out, nothing complicated — it only took hard work, ingenuity, and... the same clip.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

The idea is to exchange for a worthless trinket something necessary and valuable occurred to McDonald thanks to the children's game of "Bigger, Better" ("More is better"), the participants exchanged between different objects. It all started in 2005, Kyle was young, full of energy and had their own corner. He lived in a rented apartment and it was very depressing.

One day, remembering childhood years and is popular in USA and Canada the game, Kyle decided to try to become the owner of any house, exchanging some things on the other. As any money or valuable property from the young entrepreneur was not, he decided to start with the usual staples.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

Not really hoping for success, in July 2005, Kyle placed an ad about an exchange of red paperclip into one of the most popular in North America marketplaces. Under the photo of your unsightly product MacDonald posted the text in which explained that want to exchange the clip at things until, until you become the owner of their own homes.

Just a few days after the ad is published, July 14, Kyle managed to make the first deal. On the website there was a man who wished to obtain a paperclip in exchange for a pen in the shape of a fish. It was a girl who found the object while walking with a friend on the beach.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

The following exchange was again on the knob, but the door. It was handmade and is made in the form of funny faces from clay. The exchange has offered no stranger from the site, and Kyle's friend is a painter and sculptor. Author thing — that's something. In late July, McDonald exchanged the original thing on a Calor gas stove Coleman.

On 24 September, the military of the US army offered to exchange the plate on petrol generator Honda and Kyle of course agreed. The fifth exchange has made the owner happy owner of a neon sign and empty beer keg. Here MacDonald cheated and the announcement stated that the capacity will be filled with any liquid of choice of the client.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

8 December 2005 was willing to keg and the sign and to give them a snowmobile. It was a well-known radio host and comedian Michelle Barrett, and the capacity he asked me to fill, of course, beer. Snowmobile "left" very quickly for him during the week given a trip for two to a resort Each, located in the mountains of the Cordillera.

To go to a ski resort Kyle really wanted, but business is business. In January, the ticket was exchanged for the camper in 1995. In February, the car wanted to get a recording Studio "Metalworks", but instead MacDonald was awarded a contract to record an album.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

It was a lot livelier. The contract was interested in the budding pop star jodie Marie Gnant, which suggested Kyle instead of a year to live at her home in the U.S. city of Phoenix. The guy agreed, but to move into a new home declined. My right to live where he exchanged for a meeting with legendary rock musician Alice Cooper, and its already on souvenir snow globe on world tour band "KISS".

It may seem that Kyle here was a fool and chat with Cooper could be exchanged for a more favorable product, but no, thoughtful canadian knew what he was doing. Balloon "KISS" proved to be very valuable, because it was a rarity in the only surviving copy.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

The ball took Hollywood Director Corbin Dean of Bernsen — a passionate art collector, and in return, he was offered the role of Kyle in his new film. Of course, MacDonald was able to agree and become a famous actor, eventually getting not only the house, but money, fame and recognition. But it was kind of a lottery, so he chose to continue the exchange.

On 6 July 2006, a year after the ad with a red paper clip appeared on the website of city hall Kipling was offered in exchange for a role in a Hollywood motion picture is a two-storey house and Kyle decided to agree. But the role was eventually given to one of the residents passed a rigorous audition.

To get a solid two-storey house with an area of 102 square meters, built in the 20‑ies of the last century, Kyle McDonald's took a year and 14 of the exchange. Proud owner of a property was invited to a housewarming party of all parties to the transaction and could not come only two.

The amazing story of Kyle MacDonald traded a paperclip for a two-storey house

As for the paperclip, her story did not end there. Exchange Kalpa MacDonald became the Guinness Book record for artifacts and began to chase collectors and lovers of precious Souvenirs. The owner of the clips Corina Hythe, once gave her a pen, offered in exchange for a trifle car Audi TT, but she refused. The girl just met Kyle and gave him back his happy clip.

Attempts to convert a paperclip for a house or apartment since then, the world being taken regularly, but that they ended as successfully information yet.

Keywords: Canada | Celebrities | House | Guinness Book of Records | Sharing | Talent | Business

