That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

Categories: Cinema |

It is well known that Japan is the birthplace of perversion. And this statement applies not only to the sexual aspect, but and cinema. Don't believe? Then you need to get acquainted with the masterpiece works of the Studio Sushi Typhoon. Thanks to the products of this company, the combination of the words "sushi Typhoon" was for the Japanese (and not only), synonymous with low-budget centresa in the genre of fantasy and horror, bloody and incredibly stupid and ridiculous. (Caution! Tin in its pure form).

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

For most of us Japanese film is Godzilla, the samurai and the long-haired dead girls from wells. However, in the cinema of the rising sun is much more varied. Just part of the Japanese films are so good that they cherish for themselves and foreigners are rarely faced with these masterpieces. And if encounter, then a long sit in silence and think "What was that?".

Immediately I must say, what a terrible and stupid film is not the fashion in recent years, but the good old Japanese tradition. Why should only the story of the descent to the underworld called "Hell", filmed in 1960, and "House" Nobuhiko of Obasi, introduced in 1977 and immediately recognized one of the most psychedelic films of the world.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

In the 80-ies and 90-ies of the Japanese Directors-experimenters had shot a lot of candid snaffu with tortures and detailed demonstrations harakiri, but it was not. Real trash appeared on the screens after the market Studio Sushi Typhoon, which is not and will not be equal.

The duels in the movies "Sushi Typhoon" unmatched

The founder of the Studio is quite famous in Japan and even abroad Director Takashi Miike, creative piggy Bank which has a lot of decent movies, a cameo in "Hostel" Eli Roth and even joint work with Quentin Tarantino. Embarrassed did not belong to the genre of horror, but it was full of horrible scenes and causing retching effects.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

"Ichi The Killer"

A classic can be called the painting "dead or Alive", where in the beginning one of the actors got hit in the stomach, right where the camera flies undigested noodles. In another film, "Ichi the Killer", the hero hung on hooks, and "Out" on the screen generally does not stop the massacre.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

"Tokyo police of blood"

Worked with the "Sushi Typhoon" and the famous Sion sono, who loves the festival critics. It was his "suicide Club", "Dining table Noriko" and "Strange circus" and became a model for the work of the Studio. The phenomenon of the "Sushi Typhoon" is simple — if Japanese films are considered insane and bloody, you do not need to disappoint anyone and we need to bring everything to the extreme absurdity.

The special effect from Nishimura

Visual effects Studio working Yoshihiro Nishimura, who in his "the Tokyo police of blood" used a great trick with the advent of weapons straight from the bowels of the human body. Another success of Nishimura — "Girl vs vampire Girl Frankenstein". This movie was so good that even managed to get in the Russian hire.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

A scene from the movie "Sushi zombie"

In this movie play a simple plot, when two girls can't share the local beauty. But then everything is very interesting, for example, one of the characters flies with severed hands attached to the head. In General, if you want extravagant art-house, then Nisimura it enough.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

Noboru Iguchi

But the success of "Sushi Typhoon" would hardly have been possible without Noboru Iguchi, the former maker of pornographic movies, like "Girls with hypertrophied genitals." By the way, in this title there is nothing metaphorical — there are literally as stated in the credits. The heroine of the film meet the alien with a head like a cock, and then one of them becomes the owner of a huge vagina, and the second — a giant penis.


Of the most famous fighters Iguchi should definitely remember the "Girl-gun". Obviously the Director watched "Planet terror" Rodriguez, where one of the characters has attached extremity instead of a machine gun and he liked the idea. But Iguchi all beat much more entertaining and crazier as Rodriguez and could not have dreamed.

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

"Shy girl-gun"

This experiment with the gun seemed to the author so successful that he removed the sequel to "the Shy girl-gun", where the weapon has appeared at the main character out of your ass. Then there were the less successful among the public, but the same crazy "Robogeisha", "Sushi zombie" and "Toilet zombies."

That takes Sushi Typhoon is the "frostbitten" Japanese Studio

Party "Sushi Typhoon" very close-knit and everyone in the company help each other. Nishimura creates special effects for Iguchi, and he gladly starred in the movies my friend. For example, the blue face is after the credits in "the Girl-vampire" — this is a small but crucial role of Noboru Iguchi in the film his friend.

For those who want to take a fascinating journey into the world of "Sushi Typhoon" you should know that relate to film production studios as something captured in all seriousness not worth it. Gaijin expect from Japanese films madness? Well, they have got. So watch, laugh and relax.

Keywords: 18+ | Zombie | Quentin Tarantino | Blood | Trash | Horror | Japan

