Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

Categories: Animals |

It's no secret that large predators are territorial animals that carefully monitor that no one violates the boundaries of their fiefdom.

This incredibly dramatic and bloody fight between two tigers was captured by the German photographer Marion Wollborn, who noticed the scene played out during the safari. It was in the private game reserve Londolozi in Pretoria, South Africa.

(Total 10 photos)

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers


Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers


Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

3. As the photographer says: “I was watching two tigers, each moving along the border of their possessions, but then a female appeared and one of the tigers rushed to the other. They slashed each other with their claws and bit cruelly."

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers


Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

5. Showdown in the shroud. The fight began after one tiger hit another on the neck.

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

6. "The roar of the tigers was incredibly loud, all bystanders were clearly frightened, and I will never forget these sounds."

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

7. The tigers stopped briefly, looking at each other in order to continue the battle again after a few moments.

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

8. Capturing such shots is a great fortune for a photographer, but for an animal lover it is very difficult to look at.

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

4. As a result of the skirmish, which lasted 45 minutes, the larger male won.

Territory Fight: Bloody Fight of Two Tigers

10. The defeated tiger meekly lies on the ground. Fortunately, both survived, and now their wounds are gradually healing.

Keywords: Skirmish | Fight | Tigers | Predatory cats

