Terms of decomposition of garbage in photos
When throwing garbage on the bank of a river or lake, in a forest or in a field, think about these numbers. Your grandchildren, and maybe even great-grandchildren, will enjoy all these delights after you. Children must watch the post!
Animal droppings are the trouble of big cities. The decomposition period is small, only 10-15 days, but it causes a lot of trouble.
Food waste. Decompose for about a month.
Newsprint. The decomposition period is from 1 month to 1 season.
Leaves, seeds, twigs. Even they can cause serious pollution in urban conditions. The decomposition period is 3-4 months.
Cardboard boxes decompose within 3 months.
Paper. The most common office paper decomposes for 2 years.
Boards from the construction site. If they are not under proper care, then the decomposition period reaches 10 years.
The decomposition period is 11-13 years.
Iron banks. The term is 10 years.
Old shoes — 10 years old.
Fragments of brick and concrete — 100 years.
Auto accumulators are about 100 years old.
Foil is more than 100 years old.
Electric batteries are 110 years old.
Rubber tires are 120-140 years old.
Plastic bottles are about 180-200 years old.
Aluminum cans are almost the most dangerous garbage. The decomposition period is 500 years.
And finally, glass. No one knows how much of it is already packed in our vacation spots. The decomposition period of glass is more than 1000 years, at least 12-15 more generations will enjoy our fragments.