Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight

They say that each of us has a twin. Stars are no exception. Many people want to be like celebrities, copying their appearance and demeanor, but some do not even need to pretend, because they have a striking resemblance to famous personalities from birth. A resident of Israel collects information about the twins of the stars and posts their photos on an interesting page in social networks.

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
At first glance, it is difficult to understand where the double is in these photos, and where the star is. An amazing selection of pictures of people who look like celebrities like two drops of water can be found on the page An interesting account was created by Israeli Freddy Slivinsky, who also has a twin brother. In addition to photos of twins of famous personalities on the page, you can find funny stories from the life of star twins about the reaction of others to them.

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Keanu Reeves and his handsome double

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Mariah Carey's twin has the same amazing smile

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Have you guessed where Angelina Jolie is in this photo, and where is her double?

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
The glamorous beauty is just as hot and beautiful as her star twin — Kim Kardashian

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Brad Pitt's double is very similar to the actor in his youth

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Charming blonde has a striking resemblance to Taylor Swift

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
A handsome pirate with a piercing gaze can not be distinguished from Johnny Depp

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Fans of "Game of Thrones" are thrilled about how Copenhagen resident Sonya Lovdan looks like actress Maisie Williams

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Pablo Perillo from Argentina is so similar to Bruce Willis, who even replaced him in an energy drink commercial in Budapest because the actor was in New York at the time.

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
Jason Momoa and his doppelganger are almost indistinguishable in the photo

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
A beauty who looks like Kate Winslet, as charming as a famous actress

Star copies: celebrities and their doppelgangers who can't be distinguished at first sight
The girl is proud that she looks like Rihanna, like two drops of water

Ordinary people also have doppelgangers. Canadian photographer Francois Brunelle has released a series of double portraits, the characters in which look like twins, although they are not related by blood.

Keywords: Account | Actors | Twins | Appearance | Hollywood | Doubles | Stars | Copies | Face | Website | Similarity | Photos

