Size matters: oh, these women's hairstyles of the 60s

Categories: Fashion | History |

Fashion is constantly changing, and this is especially noticeable in archival photographs that tell about how people looked in the past. In this sense, the 1960s are especially noteworthy with their rather unusual female hairstyles for today's fashion trends.

Size matters: oh, these women's hairstyles of the 60s

The slogan "The more, the better", popular at that time, was reflected in almost all aspects of human life. People preferred to buy big houses and big cars, and, of course, women's hairstyles were no exception in this regard. We invite you to take a look at these pictures and imagine what your familiar girls would look like if they lived in the 1960s.

Size matters: oh, these women's hairstyles of the 60s

Size matters: oh, these women's hairstyles of the 60s

Keywords: 60s | Vintage | Vintage pictures | Hair | Girls | Women | Hairstyle | Hairstyles | Past | Retro | Style

