As in Russia, in the USA you can find quite a lot of typical phenomena that terrify foreigners and become a source of absurd legends and myths. For example, the love of Americans for everything that is deep-fried to death, the love of weapons and the national flag, as well as bacon everywhere and always. Of course, these things do not apply to everyone, but, nevertheless, thanks to individual citizens, the rest of the world can no longer perceive certain items and products differently.
Mobile phones. Is there anything that can go wrong with this case? No. Unlikely.
Cheese. "With the addition of real cheese," it says on the package. What a technique has come to!
The toilet, where they require five bucks for one visit, and ten for a subscription for a day. Wait. Five bucks at a time to pee?!
Wearing normal clothes is so un-American.
Alphabetical order. To hell with the rest of the countries, move over, the USA is in first place.
Ice cream. The first is called "Freedom", the second is "Peanut butter". How symbolic, isn't it?
How can a person have all the feelings written on his face at the same time?
Texas Christmas, it must be.
Deep-fried butter. A piece of butter in batter, deep-fried to death. Seriously.
It says on the truck: "You can't cut a corner on the way to success." But at least he tried.