Shocking baby zombies have rocked the internet
Houston-based photographer Brittany Benteen turns kids...into zombies. Benteen is the owner of Locked Illusions, which describes itself as "The First Gothic/Fantasy Photography Studio for Pregnant Women, Kids, Families and Teens." Here, babies are smeared with fake blood, dark make-up is applied to them ... in general, they do everything to make it seem as if they have just come out of the graves. I must say, these pictures made an impression on the audience on the network - many openly call them “demonic” and “sick”, and on one forum someone even said: “What the hell? Kill your parents." Despite this reaction, Brittany has enough clients to earn a living.
(Total 10 photos)
1. “I started with regular shots, but they quickly bored me. I always wanted to shoot something dark. I have kids and they love it. So I started with them, and only then expanded my business. To be honest, at first I thought that people would not go for it. I've worked with children before and I thought I could add a dark look here." (Brittany Bentine)
2. “I have been doing dark photography for 3-4 years now, and photography in general for 6-7 years.” (Brittany Bentine)
3. “I have several clients who come with their ideas, and I am already finalizing them, finding the right clothes and makeup. It rarely happens that the client comes up with everything himself. Nine times out of ten, I work out the full concept for each individual person. (Brittany Bentine)
4. “If I can't find this or that scenery, I paint on it in a photo editor. But this is in very rare cases. Usually the only manipulation for a zombie photo is the eyes. I never use contact lenses on children. And on adults, contact lenses do not always look as good as photoshop. Although sometimes contact lenses fit perfectly. (Brittany Bentine)
5. "Makeup and blood is the usual 'blood gel' sold in prank shops." (Brittany Bentine)
6. “I was not surprised by the negative reaction to my photos on the Internet. I even expected it. Zombie kids are constantly appearing in movies and TV shows, this is not a new concept. "The Omen", "Children of the Corn" - these are just two cult horror films where children play the main role. (Brittany Bentine)
7. “If the child does not like it, then that's it. If they don't feel comfortable or it's not what they would like to do, then the photo session is stopped. Usually parents will honestly admit: "My child is a little shy and timid" or "I'm not sure if this is right for my child." And then we discuss what is wrong, what needs to be changed.” (Brittany Bentine)
8. “I have one girl who really likes these photos. I've been shooting it for the second year. Children like this because they feel like they are helping to create a work of art. They know that everything is not real, that this is a fantasy, and when they see the result, they are very happy.” (Brittany Bentine)
9. “Most clients are expected around Halloween, but I photograph all year round. Some of my clients are just horror movie fans and want to see these photos in their own living room. They just love the way they look. Someone decorates the house with photos of the seas and daisies, while someone likes a darker decor - and that's fine. Everyone has the right to self-expression." (Brittany Bentine)
10. “If something feels wrong to you, it is not always wrong for everyone else. No need to be rude and rude. Fortunately, I have thick skin, so such negative statements do not get to my soul. I don't like it anymore that people attack those who like my art. This is tactless. Although everyone is entitled to their opinion." (Brittany Bentine)
Keywords: Zombies | Photo manipulation