Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old

Categories: Asia | Sport |

Flawless skin, not a single wrinkle and a super-toned body – well, it's very difficult to assume that Ye Wen is 50 years old. She is engaged in swimming, and in March 2016 she swam across the Strait of Malacca (the width of which is about 40 kilometers). Ye manages to maintain this form thanks to the fact that she swims every day and does fitness 3 times a week.

(10 photos in total)

Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old

Ye started swimming at the age of 30, she has a son. Now, after crossing the Strait of Malacca by swimming, Ye wants to swim across the Hangan River in South Korea. Her dream is to maintain such a shape that even at the age of 80 she could walk smartly on the beach in a bikini.

Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old


Second youth: it's hard to believe, but this Chinese woman is 50 years old

Keywords: Bikini | Age | Girls | China | Youth | Swimming | Beach | Athlete | Fitness

