Scientists told which blood type is "the most delicious" for mosquitoes

Have you noticed that some people are bitten by mosquitoes, while others are practically not? Or maybe you are the "most delicious" person who returns home after every walk with countless bites on his body?

Russian scientists explained why mosquitoes are so selective and told which blood group attracts insects the most.

Scientists told which blood type is "the most delicious" for mosquitoes

Employees of the Siberian State Medical University in Tomsk said that the most attractive for mosquitoes is the blood of group I. But sometimes other factors can influence insect preferences, such as body temperature, skin odor, or metabolic rate.

Scientists told which blood type is "the most delicious" for mosquitoes

For the first time, the fact that group I blood is "the most delicious" was talked about back in the 70s. Then scientists conducted a study during which they found out that mosquitoes most often land on people with this blood type.

Scientists told which blood type is "the most delicious" for mosquitoes

In addition, it is known that carbon dioxide exhaled by a person, as well as the smell of lactic acid contained in sweat, helps mosquitoes to find "food". Therefore, the "victims" of insects are quite often people with increased body weight, pregnant women, people with high metabolism and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

It should also be noted that mosquitoes bite absolutely everyone, but some people do not notice this, while others, on the contrary, experience discomfort due to increased sensitivity to insect saliva.

Keywords: Mosquitoes | Blood | Bite | Scientists

