Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir

New York- "Big Apple", which is not on all sides looks delicious. He has a rotten side, carefully hidden from tourists ' eyes. But the photographer of Ukrainian origin, Myron Zownir managed to penetrate into the darkest corners of the American metropolis and capture a dark, but very interesting wrong side of the city. For this photographer beaten, arrested and even shot at him, but he brought the case to the end and created a series of shocking images of seedy corners of new York city 80-ies.

See how life looked on the other side of glamorous Manhattan, lush Central Park almost 40 years ago.

Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Fearless Myron Zownir was in prison, was beaten with baseball bats, and even came under fire, but still managed to capture a stunning picture of the rotten core of the Big Apple.

Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir
Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir

But not everything's so bad in new York in the 80-ies. Most of the inhabitants of the metropolis continued to live a normal life, and a California photographer Janet Delaney has made a series of pictures about the daily routine of new Yorkers at the same time as Zownir. Let's see how different was the reality the same city.

Keywords: 80s | Alcoholism | Crime | Master of photography | Addiction | Drug mafia | New York city | Prostitution | Reality | Street photography

