Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak

Categories: Children | Photo project |

Izabella Urbaniak is a Polish photographer and mother of two children. Since 2012, she has been filming guys who spend the summer in the tiny Polish village of Lugoviska. She called the photo series Summertime.

These children do not have phones and iPads, but there is a beautiful nature — and the whole life is ahead. Kids just enjoy the summer — they are happy, innocent and carefree. Pure joy!

Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak
Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak

Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak
Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak
Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak


Pure joy from Isabella Urbaniak

Keywords: Fun | Village | Childhood | Friendship | Holidays | Summer | Horses | Dogs | Happiness | Puppies | Emotions

