Ponty killing: as photo supercars with other people's money and killed poor rapper from Portugal

Categories: Celebrities |

The social network full of pictures of "successful" people with wads of money in hand and standing next to expensive cars. Many of them live someone else's life, only showing himself in the rich and the stars. Meanwhile, such a show-off can end badly, as happened with Portuguese rap artist David Mota, who tragically died because of its artificially created image.

Ponty killing: as photo supercars with other people's money and killed poor rapper from Portugal

Hip-hop artist David Mota, better known as Mota Jr, disappeared without a trace two months ago. On Friday, may 22, in press the information appeared that his body was discovered with signs of violent death. Police believe that David became a victim of criminals: he was kidnapped in the hope of getting the money that guy is simply not there.

Most likely, the rapper just tortured to death — the exact cause of death of 28-year-old musician will be announced after the examination. The body of David long lay in a forest, 50 km from his home and badly decomposed. If the method of killing Mota Jr remains to be seen, it is the reason that dealt with a young man obvious.

Ponty killing: as photo supercars with other people's money and killed poor rapper from Portugal

In social networks, David portrayed fabulously rich guy with bundles of dollars and euros, diamond jewelry and numerous supercars. The photo of the rapper surrounded by hot Babes, luxury interiors and luxury items, so in Portugal, many were convinced that Mota's rich as Croesus. In his songs, the rapper also sang of wealth and success that accompany his life.

Ponty killing: as photo supercars with other people's money and killed poor rapper from Portugal

All photos and videos Mota Jr was staged, and mansions, cars and jewelry rented or borrowed. But David was so convincing when creating his image of a millionaire that to convince the intruders he, unfortunately, failed.

Ponty killing: as photo supercars with other people's money and killed poor rapper from Portugal

At home in Portugal, David was quite a famous person, although rich called it was not even a stretch. The only really popular track, Mota Jr — Ca Bu Fla Ma Nau. The song was recorded by the musician in collaboration with artist Piruka. To date, the video for this song was watched over 21 million times.

Rap artists often impersonate those who actually are not what they have problems with fans, haters and even with the law.

Keywords: Cars | Poverty | Money | Portugal | Rapper | Murder | Success

