In 1985, a mother purchased two identical Teddy bears — one for my son so he can play with him and his unborn child. Now when the first baby son is finally born, his younger brother had a picture to compare the two Teddy bears. The younger brother who posted these two photos on Reddit, wrote that as a child, they had played with the bear, dropped it in the pool several times and lost. "If your favorite toy from my childhood is still with you, then you can add a photo of her" — he wrote. So many people have done.
Those bears.
These bears were born in 1992, but one of them played the healthy child and the other kid in a wheelchair.
33-year-old dog and his new friend.
Old and new bear.
Two identical bears who look different.
35 years of difference.
35-year-old birdie and her twin brother.
The difference is 26 years old.
Left 14-year-old bear, and right-to-25-year-old.
33-year-old bear and his copy.
Right 31-year-old Larry, left 21-year-old Lucy.
25-year-old tutu and his twin brother.
32-year-old Sabrina and her new copy.
These toys are twin brothers, but they honored veterans to celebrate.
69-year-old survivor.
Left 37-year-old bear, and the right 40-year-old.
Rise of the guardians — blue 27 years old, and pink 18.
27-year-old Teddy bear.
35-year-old ggip programme.
The bear, which for 50 years.
39-year-old bear.
Boomer, 32.
27-year-old bear.
Previously, it was a pink Teddy bear, he is 36 years old.