"Ossan rentals", or Why the Japanese buy friends

Categories: Asia | Society |

Many people think that in forty years of life begins. Most likely, the way it is, but in Japan this account has its own point of view. In this country, those who crossed this age limit are considered "middle-aged" and for them there is a special name – "ossan". This word is not used in a very positive sense, as it is believed that the middle-aged boring.

"Ossan rentals", or Why the Japanese buy friends

Entrepreneur Nishimoto of Takanobu (Takanobu Nishimoto), enlisting at the age of "ossana", felt that means a somewhat dismissive attitude on the part of youth. But he decided that would not be tolerated and will destroy the stereotype that is not one hundred years. In 2013, Takanobu has created an unusual service "Ossan rent", which proves that people aged over 40 to communicate not only not boring, but useful.

"Ossan rentals", or Why the Japanese buy friends

The entrepreneur has to show that society Asanov can be so useful that he wants to pay money. For only $ 10 (760 rubles) per hour, you can hire ossana for communication, shopping, restaurant, Park or an art gallery. The rules of the service is very simple – employees are forbidden to impose goods and services, making explicit proposals and touch them in a sexual way.

The service is in great demand. Clients hire Assanov with different objectives. Someone needs to talk or cry on someone's shoulder, someone is looking for the advice of an older friend, who wants to feature a new car or apartment, and there are those that are starting a new business and want to know the opinion of a stranger.

"Ossan rentals", or Why the Japanese buy friends

There are not quite regular orders. For example, sometimes Assanov order to get to the house, stand in line for tickets to a movie or to the store for a new iPhone. Of the most unusual cases Nishimoto likes to remember the case when a woman hired him to get help in choosing the outfit for a special occasion. Old Japanese woman was going to meet with his son, whom he had not seen for 35 years.

The owner of unusual business does not hide that the income he almost does not bring, but its goal is not making profits. Nishimoto of Takanobu believes that the service helps himself Ozanam, making them necessary and significant. In Japan, where the theme of loneliness is very relevant, this can be vital.

"Ossan rentals", or Why the Japanese buy friends

Business owner Nishimoto gladly fulfills orders. He said that it is a great way to get to feel like a big weirdo. Like he had a lot of service "Ossan rent" brings together several hundred men and women over forty who perform more than 10 thousands of orders every year.

But "friend for hire" – this is not the strangest service of this type in the Country of the rising sun. There is absolutely unusual service "grumpy rent", when a youth at the time of hiring a grumpy old man, to learn their wits.

Keywords: Asia | Service | Community | Friend | Japanese | Loneliness | Communication

