Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

Teams of up to 500 people each took part in the biennial Concurs de Castells competition, which is held in the city of Tarragona in northeastern Spain. The participants competed in which of the teams would be able to build the tallest tower of people, and some managed to create a structure with a height of 10 human tiers. This tradition comes from the XVIII century, when Catalan dancers built towers of people.

(15 photos in total)

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

The structures erected by the participants have the traditional name "castels" (castells).

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

The event is attended by teams consisting of up to 500 people.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

This tradition dates back to the XVIII century, when dance groups tried to build towers of people.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

The strongest and strongest of the participants interlock their hands, thus forming the base of the tower.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

The team in orange-pink shirts is preparing to build its castel using verified methods.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

There is even a cultural and sports association specializing in the construction of castels - Castellers de Vilafranca. In this picture, its members are falling — their attempt to build a castel failed.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

A team from China, taking part in the event for the first time, managed to build a castels.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

Participants must climb straight up the people with their hands clasped.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

Participants from the Castellers de Sants team are trying to build their own castel.

Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people


Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people


Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people


Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people


Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people


Only the sky is higher: how the Spaniards build giant towers of people

Keywords: Acrobatics | Towers | Spain | Catalonia | Competition | Competitions | Crowd

