Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons

Categories: Celebrities | Photo project |

There are fans of Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison? But if you say that in 2001, Vogue has published their pictures fresh photo session?

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons

This is not some elaborate hoax, and certainly not crazy. Just an American photographer Steven Meisel (Steven Meise) model literally revived the images of these rock stars in his photo shoot "Rock the House".

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain and Frances Bean Cobain

Fashion photographer Steven Meisel one of the most successful representatives of this direction photos. It feels like no one else fashion trends and knows how to Express them in pictures. Every cover of Italian Vogue, from 1988, was decorated with photographs of his authorship.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Courtney Love, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin

Inspired by the great rock stars of the 20th century, Steven Meisel repeated images of lovers Yoko Ono and John Lennon, mad couples Courtney Love and Cobain, the Beatles young, crazy Manson, vivid David Bowie.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Omahyra Mota as Prince

Images from the collection "Rock the House" will not evoke feelings of nostalgia or emotion. If not work — it fashion. While fashion is always a provocation, a call to minds and emotions.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Karolina Kurkova in the role of Marilyn Manson

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Fanny Bostrom (John Lennon), Audrey Marnay (Ringo Starr) Tasha Tilberg (Paul McCartney) and trish Goff (George Harrison)

Meisel inspired by the beauty of women from the pages of glossy magazines his mother, went with her to backstage and plagued modeling agencies asking to give him a card models. It was very interesting young photographer to look at pictures that are not in the magazines.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Hannelore Knuts and Diana Mezaros in the role of David and Angela Bowie

By the way, by the sense of emerging trends Meisel revealed the names of many top models, makeup artists, designers. By the way, that he owe their popularity Naomi Campbell, Ross van Der Heide, Linda Evangelista, Laura Mercier and others we are still seeing on the runways and the pages of gloss.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Sophie Gave as Debbie Harry, the leader of new-wave band "Blondie"

Not remained aloof and Madonna, a collaboration which brought Mazel comprehensive recognition, and singer — confirmation of its success.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Jacquetta Wheeler, Erin O'connor, Eleonora Bose, Bridget Hall and Oost in the role Rolling Stones

Interestingly, Google identificeret these pictures from photo shoot "Rock the House" as authentic portraits of rock stars, and inexperienced writers online magazines write about the real icons of rock, using these photos with models.

Not to be distinguished: models embodied the images of famous rock icons
Kiara Kabukuru as P. Diddy

Hmm, but if we confuse the original with this performance? Because the images are already living for many years in the Internet.

Keywords: The Rolling Stones | Vogue | America | DoppelgangeR | John Lennon | Kurt Cobain | Music | Rock | Rock star | Photoshoot

