Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports

Categories: Children | North America | Society |

Zoe can't wait when he starts to grow Breasts. Mother was very surprised when he announced his desire to become a girl, but accepted his decision. The boy looked forward to when I can take hormones to begin the process of transitioning. Now young transgender 12 years, and to begin treatment, he could only two years. The mother, Sally, is proud of his child and says he will always support him.

Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports
12-year-old Zoe Villa (the Villa) from new York can't wait to be able to begin hormone therapy for gender change. He needs to be patient before reaching the age of 14.

Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports
The boy confessed to his mother, 44-year-old Sally Homer that wants to be a girl when he was 10. The woman noticed that something was wrong when my son started to use female characters, playing on Xbox. In the end, she took the desire of his child, and Zoe with pleasure began to wear dresses. Soon, the son changed his name and asked to be considered a girl.

Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports
Zoe looks forward to when he'll be allowed to take hormones. In the future he wants to have a sex change operation and wants that she grew Breasts.

Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports
Mother helps Zoe choose women's clothes and fun braids a child's hair. However, she admits that the decision of the younger son to become a transgender, was for her a complete surprise. She noticed that some boy was trying on her shoes and jewelry, but did not pay much attention to it.

Not at ease: a 12-year-old American wants to become a girl, and his mother supports
Friends of a young transgender is also accepted his choice, but not all family members are thrilled with these changes. However, Sally protects his child and says that Zoe has the right to decide for themselves what to do with your own body. The eldest son, for example, refuses to consider the younger brother's girl and call it a new name.

Meanwhile, 18-year-old American became pregnant, despite the fact that he was born a boy. It turned out that he has female reproductive organs.

Keywords: Hormones | Breasts | Girl | Want | Boy | Mother | Surprise | New York | Support | Teens | Recognition | Decision | Family | Sex change | Son | Therapy | Transgender

