Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

Categories: Conflict | Europe | Fashion | Positive | Society | World |

Jennifer Aniston recently said that she will never stop coloring her hair, because she can't imagine what it would be like to decide to go with gray hair. But there are women who prefer not to hide the natural aging process behind a layer of paint. Four British women claim that gray hair makes them sexier and gives them self-confidence. These women are in their forties, but they say this is the best time of their lives.

Find out why women do not want to hide their gray hair from our material.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Jennifer Aniston looks amazing in her 50s, but she's not going to show everyone gray hair. However, not all women are shy about getting old. Four British women, who are already over forty, are proud of the gray in their hair and believe that it gives them more sexiness and confidence.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
44-year-old Lisa Jane Wheeler is proud of the gray streaks in her hair and claims that she began to receive more compliments after she stopped wearing makeup. She is a financial manager, has three children and lives in Kent with her 47-year-old husband, Steve.

The woman says that she likes silver gray hair much more than colored hair. It glitters very beautifully and gives it a special charm. Lisa's gray locks are evenly outlined and beautifully frame her face. Her friends joke that she looks like the Disney villain Cruella De Vil, but Mrs. Wheeler takes it with humor.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

A year ago, Mrs. Wheeler noticed that to hide the gray hair, she needed to dye her hair once every three weeks. This took a lot of time and money, so the woman decided to stop coloring. The children were surprised by this decision, but over time, Lisa began to like her new image more and more.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

Rachel had gray hair as a teenager, which earned her the nickname Hag. She never got upset, because it always sounded in a friendly, joking tone. However, the girl did not want to be gray in her youth, so she regularly dyed her hair.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

The natural blonde stopped coloring her hair and allowed it to acquire a natural shade. She felt very comfortable in her natural color. No one said that Rachel began to look older, on the contrary, everyone around began to pay compliments to the woman and say that her new image is simply amazing.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

Karin liked her dark hair, and she dyed it every two weeks from the age of 17. For four years now, the woman has been walking with gray hair and receives many compliments from strangers. Colleagues call her "silver fox", and Karin likes this nickname very much.

Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy
Noble silver: women told why they consider their gray hair sexy

To dye your hair or not is a personal choice of every woman. You can be beautiful at any age and in any image, because the main thing is an inner sense of attractiveness and sexuality. Gray hair does not make a woman ugly, if presented correctly, but indicates wisdom, confidence and emphasizes the natural charm and beauty.

However, gray hair is already becoming a fashion trend. Even young celebrities try on a mature image, coloring their hair in silver and platinum shades.

And how do you feel about women who do not hide the gray in their hair?

Keywords: United Kingdom | Age | Hair | Naturalness | Women | Paint | Beauty | Features | Rejection | Gray hair | Old age

