Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father

Categories: Children |

Photographer Kim Stone took a photo of a newborn girl Aubrey smiling in her sleep. It would seem that just a beautiful photo of a lovely child. But why are there gloves and a motorcycle helmet? In fact, this picture was taken in honor of Hector Ferrer — the baby's father, whom she will never see.

Hector was very fond of riding a motorcycle. His fiancee Catherine Williams shared the passion of her beloved and even planned how they would all ride together when their daughter was born and grew up. Only a month before Aubrey was born, Hector's life was cut short — he was killed by a man he considered a friend.

(4 photos in total)

Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father
Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father

According to the girl's mother, despite the fact that Hector loved riding a motorcycle, he was always fully equipped with protective gear. And when he found out that they were going to have a child, there was no end to his happiness.

Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father

The parents were looking forward to the baby's appearance and were making plans for the future.

Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father

But the girl's father will never be able to hold his daughter in his arms. He was killed by a man he considered his friend.

Newborn smiles in her sleep in the "embrace" of the gloves of the deceased father

The photographer who took this heartbreaking picture posted it on Facebook, captioning: "It is believed that when children smile in their sleep, angels speak to them. I think it's true."

Keywords: Facebook | Death | Sadness | Love | Motorcycles | Newborns | Father | Dad | Photo shoot

