New and modern "Marilyn Monroe" that eclipsed the original - plus-size model Stefania Ferrario

For decades, Marilyn Monroe has been the epitome of beauty and grace. This woman is the standard of attractiveness, and many women, including famous ones, tried to copy Monroe's style.


New and modern "Marilyn Monroe" that eclipsed the original - plus-size model Stefania Ferrario

1. But external data is not enough for this. Marilyn was distinguished by inner strength and special charm. In recent years, a woman has appeared in public space, who is increasingly compared to the famous Monroe.

New and modern "Marilyn Monroe" that eclipsed the original - plus-size model Stefania Ferrario

2. This woman is model Stefania Ferrario. She has the same figure as Monroe, and they are also very similar in appearance. Stefania wears a similar hairdo to Marilyn's, further emphasizing their similarities. The model never tried to imitate Monroe. She always preferred to be herself. Similar style and appearance received spontaneously. Stephanie herself repeatedly emphasized this.

New and modern "Marilyn Monroe" that eclipsed the original - plus-size model Stefania Ferrario

3. The model is successfully implemented in the professional sphere. More than a million fans follow Stephanie's life and work. The woman has already become famous all over the world, and every year Stephanie's popularity is increasing even more. The model collaborates with many brands. She mainly advertises on swimwear and clothing. Using her own figure as an example, Stefania demonstrates to curvaceous women that they should not hide from society or be ashamed of themselves. Stephanie used to be proud of her body.

New and modern "Marilyn Monroe" that eclipsed the original - plus-size model Stefania Ferrario

4. The model has not only an attractive appearance but also a strong character. Stephanie is used to always achieving her goals. The model is efficient, and active, and regularly does everything in order to improve itself. To maintain a figure in decent condition, Stefania regularly visits the gym and adheres to a proper diet. A healthy lifestyle helps Stefania stay in shape and maintain her attractiveness.

Keywords: Marilyn Monroe | Modern Marilyn Monroe | Plus-size model | Stefania Ferrario | Beauty | Attractiveness

