Looked like the first logos of world famous brands

World famous companies spend millions of dollars on developing and maintaining its brand image. Because one single image, their logo must reflect the values and goals of the company, and it is not an easy task. It is therefore interesting to see what looked like many years ago the first versions of the logos familiar to all of us brands. Some have changed beyond recognition, while others have changed only the color.

And what do you like best — the original version or modern?

Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands


Looked like the first logos of world famous brands

Keywords: Brand | From the past image | The logos | The First advertising campaign

