How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

Categories: Food and Drinks |

If an alcoholic drink is compared to urine, then most of us will make a clear conclusion — the product is not good enough. But do not stay in the thrall of stereotypes, because in fact, urine is not the worst raw material for the production of alcohol. This was proved by James Gilpin, who owns the unique brand Gilpin Family Whisky, which produces exclusive alcohol from the contents of chamber pots.

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

Briton James Gilpin is not a chemist or even a cook — he is an ordinary London artist and designer. One day he came across an article that described how a pharmacist opened a pharmacy near a nursing home and collected the urine of the elderly, exchanging it for thermos flasks, mugs, blankets and other things necessary for pensioners. From the raw materials obtained, the enterprising guy extracted certain components and produced expensive medicines.

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

When Gilpin learned this story, his first thought, as an artist, was of alcohol. Is it not possible to produce whiskey from urine? For the first experiment, James used the urine of his grandmother, who suffers from diabetes. The urine of a healthy person, unfortunately, turned out to be unsuitable for the production of strong drinks. James found the taste of the product refined, so the experiments were continued.

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

Very soon, the old woman could no longer cope with the supply of raw materials for the greatly expanded production, and Gilpin was forced to connect relatives and just acquaintances with diabetes. It's hard to imagine what James said to potential suppliers when he told them about the details of his business, but he was not denied precious moisture.

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

Here it should be recalled again that James is still a creative person and has a kind of social circle. And he treated his hobby not as a business, but as a kind of performance. This was not difficult, since there were very few people who wanted to drink whiskey from urine, and even from someone else's.

Gilpin makes no secret of the recipe for his whiskey and is happy to talk about the technology. Urine, before turning into a noble drink, is filtered, and then sugar is released from it, which is involved in the fermentation process. At a certain stage, a small amount of real whiskey is added to the liquid, then all this is infused and the drink is ready!

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

It remains to pour a new batch of Gilpin Family Whisky into bottles and indicate the name of the raw material supplier on each one — this is an indispensable part of the brand. As we have already said, the demand for whiskey from urine is low, but Gilpin is not discouraged and arranges free tastings. For the first time, James offered to taste whiskey made according to a unique recipe in 2010 to visitors of a design exhibition. And you can also find out about the drink on the official website of the manufacturer.

How, and most importantly why, there was a whiskey from the urine of diabetics Gilpin Family Whisky

But you better not experiment with urine, and try to make whiskey from moonshine. In this case, the guests will certainly not refuse the treat.

Keywords: London | Brand | Designer | Whiskey | Food and drink | Urine

