Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

Categories: Culture | Positive | Society |

They say that every person has a double. It's just hard to find. He lives somewhere on the other side of the globe and does not suspect how cool a photo could fill up his Instagram. Although some, it happens, meet a person very similar to themselves. But such luck is nothing compared to when a double is found in a painting in a museum. It's time to think about your noble origin.

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases
Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I found my double in the Louvre - Count Inigo Melcho de Velasco"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I'm a little younger in the picture"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"My friend is a time traveler"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"The Twin from the past"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I am King Henry VIII"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I went to the museum, and here it is"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I saw myself in the picture, walking on the Subway" 

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"The case at the Science Museum in Trento, Italy" 

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"Still don't believe in the rebirth of souls?"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"I was even a little scared"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"Face to face with myself"

Look for me in the Louvre: people who discovered their counterparts on classical canvases

"My great-great-great-grandmother"

