How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference

Categories: Nations | Science |

It's difficult to describe what a person experiences, getting the highest pleasure from sex. Many people say that orgasm is similar to butterflies in the stomach or, as he wrote once Ruth Dixon, reminiscent of sneezing — that feeling when a long, long time I want to sneeze, tormented by unbearable tickling sensation in the nose and then, finally, it happens. Well or not, then someone as lucky. It is about these "lucky" will be discussed in our material. But we consider a more interesting topic — how orgasm looks on the faces of people of different nationalities.

How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference
Source: PNAS

Scientists from Spain and the UK conducted an interesting study. They found out how to look orgasm and pain on the faces of people of different nationalities. For surveillance were invited volunteers from Western Europe and Asia.

How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference

Study participants had to watch the video with the reactions of other people to orgasm, or pain and choose the closest to their own. Thus, the scientists were able to create a 3D model of the persons of the representatives of each race and study their facial expressions.

How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference

The results showed that the people of the West, experiencing the pain, grit his teeth and frowning. During orgasm their face looks the opposite of relaxed, the chin is tucked, mouth open, eyebrows are raised.

How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference

Interestingly, the reaction of the population in Asian countries was different. A similar reaction to the discomfort was observed in Asians; they also clench their teeth and frowning, but experiencing an orgasm, just smile.

How orgasm looks on the faces of different people: you will be surprised to notice the difference

The data obtained refute the key paradigms of psychology, claiming that almost all human emotions can be "read" in the face. A huge impact on the facial expressions of the person, as scientists have found, is played by the culture and environment peculiar to the relevant region. So, for example, an ethnic Swede could purchase the facial expressions typical Asian, if you live a long time in China. The same rule works in the opposite direction.

Keywords: Research | People | Facial expression | Nationality | Orgasm

