How is Mad Friday in Britain?

Categories: Europe | Society |

Residents of stiff Britain are ready to revel in the trash and buzz with health risks.

The British edition of the Daily Mail published numerous photos of how Londoners spent the so-called "mad Friday" (Mad Friday) - a night that flows into the last weekend before Christmas.

The Friday before Christmas is considered one of the busiest days of the year for UK emergency workers, with police and ambulance calls on the rise. So this year, extremely drunken residents of Foggy Albion bathed in cold fountains, indulged in scuffles and street love, got into fights with each other and with the police. Similar situations took place in other large cities - for example, in Liverpool and Cardiff. Photos published in the Daily Mail confirm numerous cases of alcohol poisoning in many British cities.

(Total 35 photos)

How is Mad Friday in Britain?
How is Mad Friday in Britain?
How is Mad Friday in Britain?
How is Mad Friday in Britain?

1. In Manchester, several men, despite the rather low temperatures (thermometers at night fall to about -1 Celsius there), began to bathe in the fountains in Cathedral Gardens.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?
How is Mad Friday in Britain?

2. Right on the freezing road, several rather scantily dressed women were lying and could not get up.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

4. One of the men seriously injured his hand and was taken away in an ambulance.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

7. "Zombies" roamed the streets en masse under the degree.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

8. The British are known throughout the world for their love of alcoholic libations.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

9. Pre-holiday "fun" in Britain indulge in people of all ages.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

11. Drunken brawls often turn into curiosities.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

12. Some quench the midnight city right on the sidewalks.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

13. The inhabitants of the British Isles are incredibly cold-hardy, walking around in light clothes even at the end of December.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

14. And some people manage to "pack" into the small architectural forms of the city.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

15. Haven't the gentlemen died out in Britain yet?

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

16. The spirit of the upcoming Christmas is in the air.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

18. Looking at these photos, it's hard to believe that these photos were taken on the night of December 20th to 21st, when the temperature in Britain was about zero.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?

19. Many revel "in the trash" quite literally.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

22. In York, a group of several people in a state of intoxication entered into a skirmish with police officers on horseback.

How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?


How is Mad Friday in Britain?

35. Do you think this out-of-control celebration has anything to do with the Christmas spirit?

Keywords: Alcohol | Britain | Friday

