How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Categories: Africa | Nations | World |

Wodaabe — nomadic tribe that lives on the territory of Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad. Once a year the men of this tribe participating in a "festival of fertility" under the name Gerewol. In fact, it is a beauty contest in which girls the judges assess the appearance of the men, and then choose the most attractive as husbands or just to spend the night.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls
How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Men wodaabe use makeup to highlight and emphasize the facial features and white teeth and whites of the eyes (this is wodaabe considered erotically attractive).

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls
How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

In addition to makeup, Girevole participants wear their best outfits, jewelry, hair — in General, make it nice in full. Their goal is to show yourself in the best possible way to attract women and win.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls
How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

It's something like a mating dance, which is often found in birds. By the way, "gerewol" is the name of a special dance that is performed by the contestants.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Dance "gerewol" lasts for several hours. Dancers grinning grimace, cheeks puffed out, eyes rotated to best show the whites of eyes and to make a good impression on the judges.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Wodaabe also appreciated thin physique and high growth. So they wear high hats, often decorated with feathers.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Marriages in this tribe are usually by appointment, at a young age, so the majority of the participants in the festival are already married. But wodaabe live in a polygamous society, and communication with other sex partners for them — the usual case.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

So girls-judges (they are 12-13 years old) participating in the festival Gerewol, usually spend the night with men whom they chose as the winners. Can even change husband, if you really want. Men have a right to four wives — but only if they can afford it.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

These pictures were taken by Irish photographer Trevor Cole in Chad, where he visited in September 2019.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

The men of the tribe wodaabe known that give it great value and wear out a mirror. Every morning they start with the fact that primping before the mirror, and only then proceed to their regular duties, for example, graze cattle.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Wodaabe also practice scarification. This is another way to stand out and emphasize your originality.

How is a beauty pageant among the men of the tribe wodaabe who judge teen girls

Yet they are valued long hair, so men shave the front part of the head but leave the hair back, braiding them in a braid.

Keywords: Contest | Beauty contest | Beauty | Men | Tribe

