Happiness is never too much: the Chinese have long lived with 14 toes, considering the anomaly of happy sign

Categories: Asia | Health and Medicine | Society | World |

The man who was born with four extra fingers on the left leg, and thought about surgery to get rid of them, because his parents believed this anomaly sign of good luck. Only recently, 21-year-old Chinese man was operated on, giving the ability to wear shoes and to find happiness in his personal life. Find out how the guy lived with a rare deviation from our article.

Happiness is never too much: the Chinese have long lived with 14 toes, considering the anomaly of happy sign
The parents of 21-year-old Chinese by the name of Azzun believed that four extra fingers on my left foot the son is a sign of good fortune. The young people anomaly brought a lot of inconvenience in daily life, as well as physical suffering: in ten years he stopped wearing sandals because of the bleeding wounds on his legs.

Happiness is never too much: the Chinese have long lived with 14 toes, considering the anomaly of happy sign
His parents saw the deviation immediately after the birth of her son, but did not allow the doctors to operate on baby. Instead, they went to the local soothsayer, believing that the extra fingers is a gift from heaven.

Happiness is never too much: the Chinese have long lived with 14 toes, considering the anomaly of happy sign
When Azzouni matured, he turned for advice to the surgeons in the hospital Surgical Shunde Heping Hospital of Foshan city. His doctor At Xiang (Xiang Wu) said that such operations are doing in in childhood, so the 21-year-old patient was a special case.

Happiness is never too much: the Chinese have long lived with 14 toes, considering the anomaly of happy sign
The doctor says that children who are born with such disabilities need to operate up to six years before they go to school. This is important for the psychological state of the child, and to accelerate the process of recovery and adaptation.The young man believes that his life will finally get better. He hopes to meet a girl that will be happy. The guy is very grateful to the surgeons for giving him the opportunity to be normal. Superstition parents almost destroyed the life of Assuna, but common sense prevailed, and now the guy has a chance for a better future.

Azzouni is not the only Chinese with extra fingers. Three-month baby named JonJon — the owner of 15 fingers and 16 toes. In addition, his two palms on each hand but no thumbs.

Keywords: Anomalies | Hospital | China | Foot | Surgery | Toes | Boyfriend | Parents | Superstition | Surgeons

