Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

Categories: Celebrities | Positive |

Average Rob — nickname "regular guy from Belgium" as he calls himself. He has accounts in various social networks. So what, you say, then this? The fact that the Average Rob skillfully and amazingly funny inserts himself in famous photos of celebrities.

We tried to choose the best hilarious pictures, but everything is so good that after viewing this post you will definitely rise up.

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny
Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny
Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny
Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny
Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny
Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

"When he sent the request "make friends" and you ignore".

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

The photobomb!

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

When the big boys won't let you play.

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

"When put to work the wrong shirt".

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

Take this with Selena Gomez takeout at a Mexican restaurant, and then it ends with toilet paper...

Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny


Guy inserts himself into photos with celebrities, and it is very funny

I hate when people are running.

Keywords: Funny | Photoshop

