Graffiti in Athens

Categories: Europe |

Greek street artists across the capital to Express their protest against austerity measures that hit Greece, which is still trying to get out of the crisis.

(17 photos)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

1. A man walks past graffiti on a building in Athens. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

2. Artists Express their feelings in the midst of crisis. (EPA)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

3. The deep crisis in Greece, coupled with tough measures, has become a point of inspiration for the Greek graffiti artists. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

4. (EPA)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

5. Graffiti reflects the current situation and social problems and mood. (AFP)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

6. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

7. The term "graffiti" itself comes from the Italian verb graffiare "to scratch" (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

8. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

9. Graffiti today is a kind of street art, one of the most important forms of artistic expression around the world. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

10. Sometimes graffiti is used to spread messages of political and social nature. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

11. For some people graffiti is an art, worthy to be placed in galleries and at exhibitions, for others it's vandalism. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

12. (EPA)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

13. (EPA)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

14. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

15. The emergence of graffiti movement in its modern understanding, is connected with activity of political activists who used graffiti to spread their ideas. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

16. (GETTY)

Graffiti in Athens
" alt="Graffiti in Athens" />

17. (GETTY)

Keywords: Athens | Graffiti | Greece | Crisis | Artist | Saving

