Good Mat: scientists have found that swearing made to work

Categories: Science |

Most major companies profanity is not encouraged. It is considered that profanity is a sign of disrespect for colleagues and lack of professionalism. But recent research has shown that all this nonsense, and mate choice is not only harmful to the work, but on the contrary strengthens the team, enhances the performance of work and even improves mood.

Good Mat: scientists have found that swearing made to work

American scientists have determined that the average person uses profanity 80 times a day. While 81% of managers have a negative attitude to the Mat in the workplace, considering it a sign of incompetence and poor education.

Good Mat: scientists have found that swearing made to work

Experts in psychology and communications believe that the Mat helps people to convey the meanings and emotions that it is impossible to portray using conventional words. So people better understand each other, which contributes to the appearance between a solid and trusting relationships.

Proved and use of expletives to health. Strong language, spoken to the point, can act as an anesthetic and to reduce pain. This property Mata discovered by British scientists from the University of Keele. In the experiment carried out by them, the volunteers were asked to keep a hand in ice water for as long as possible.

Good Mat: scientists have found that swearing made to work

One group had to restrain myself, and the second could have said anything. It turned out that the maximum resistance shown by those who swore the most. On average, they lasted 50% longer than those who endured the discomfort in silence.

Have regularly swearing people better circulation, higher levels of endorphins and they feel calmer and happier. Workplace profanity also have advantages, since the matrix helps the arguments sound convincing and win professional disputes.

Good Mat: scientists have found that swearing made to work

Examining the groups, companies, scientists have determined that, where colleagues communicate with the use of profanity, labor productivity is higher. By the way, most often swear workers of different industries and experts... IT.

But no matter how foul in the West, they will never get the maximum positive effect, because their abuse behind our wealth of momentum and credibility. They periodically try to learn from us and transferred to our swearing in English.

Keywords: Conversation | Colleague | Collective | Communication | Office | Work | Swearing | Words

