Girls before and after just one change in appearance

Categories: Health and Medicine | World |

Nature has rewarded some people with a non-standard appearance. Someone accepts all their little "flaws", believing that non-standard beauty has the right to be and is not inferior to "filtered" beauty at all. Others dream of getting rid of the features of their appearance by correcting the natural data. We present a selection of photos of girls and women who have had a nose job that transformed them.

Girls before and after just one change in appearance
The technique of the first nose correction surgery in history was developed several hundred years before our era by the Indian doctor Sushruta, who is now called the father of plastic surgery. And that's how rhinoplasty can change the appearance.

Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance
Girls before and after just one change in appearance

Still, the nose decides. It is only necessary to correct it a little and everything will play with other colors.

Keywords: Before and after | Plastic surgery | Selection

