Motherhood significantly changes a woman's body. But there are more profound changes affecting the nature and Outlook. Reflected in the face, in his eyes? These questions asked the Lithuanian photographer Wajda Markeviciute, who devoted the theme of his project "Becoming a mother". In it she has collected photographs of women before and after birth. Look at them and decide for yourself: what has changed?
Wajda became interested in the subject after she became a mother.
According to Wanda, she conceived the project to prove the birth of a child is not just making life difficult for parents, it brings new gifts that can enjoy a woman.
Participants of the photo project began 33 women who have given birth of 36 children — 20 boys and 16 girls, including two sets of twins. Wajda grateful to each of them for their participation and patience.
The author of the project says it deliberately chose the most simple way to show the difference, making the portraits, reminiscent of a passport photo. According to her, first and foremost, attention should be paid to the views, because it is the eyes best reflect the internal change of man.
Some critics argue that the differences in the pictures before and after is noticeable, primarily due to the different lighting (the photographer shot the pictures "before" and "after" in different studios. But Wajda believes that this is only a smaller part of the differences, most of which are associated with internal changes occurring in the woman.