Favorite books of famous people
To believe that movie stars and television are not fans of literature — a great mistake: on the contrary, most of them love to read and I read a really decent works — among Hollywood celebrities many admirers of classics, particularly Russian. So is the case with table books popular Directors and writers: masterpieces of world literature set that same bar, which is famous for their readers could look up to.

Antonio Banderas (Antonio Banderas) — Miguel Cervantes "Don Quixote".

Orlando Bloom (Orlando Bloom) — F. M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov".

Alec Baldwin (Alec Baldwin) — Harper Lee "to Kill a Mockingbird".
Dan brown (Dan Brown) — William Shakespeare, "Much ADO about nothing".
Drew Barrymore (Drew Barrymore) — Viktor Frankl "Man's search for meaning".
Bill gates (Bill Gates) — Jerome David Salinger "the catcher in the rye".
Mel Gibson (Mel Gibson) — ray Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit".
Matt Damon (Matt Damon) — Howard Zinn "a people's history of the United States."
Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) — Jack Kerouac "on the road".
Hugh Jackman (Hugh Jackman) — John Steinbeck "the Grapes of wrath".
Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) — Bram Stoker's "Dracula."
Catherine Zeta-Jones (Catherine Zeta-Jones) — Francis Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby".
Nicole Kidman (Nicole Kidman) — Clive Staples Lewis "Chronicles Of Narnia".
Stephen king (Stephen King) — William Golding "Lord of the flies".
Tom Clancy (Tom Clancy) — Jules Verne "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea".
George Clooney (George Clooney) — L. N. Tolstoy "War and peace".
Jim Carrey (Jim Carrey) — F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and punishment".
Hugh Laurie (Hugh Laurie) — Herman Melville "Moby dick or the White whale."
Kate moss (Kate Moss) — Francis Scott Fitzgerald "the Beautiful and the damned".
Keira Knightley (Keira Knightley), Jane Austen's "Pride and prejudice".
Barack Obama (Barack Obama) — Toni Morrison Song Of Solomon.
Robert Pattinson (Robert Pattinson) — Charles Baudelaire "Flowers of evil".
Adrian Paul (Adrian Paul) — Anne rice "Interview with the vampire".
Natalie Portman (Natalie Portman) — "The Diary Of Anne Frank."
Julia Roberts (Julia Roberts) — William Faulkner, the Wild palms.
J. K. Rowling (Joanne Rowling) — Jane Austen's "Emma".
Wayne Rooney (Wayne Rooney) — J. K. Rowling, a series of books about Harry Potter.
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) — M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".
Will Smith (Will Smith) — Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist".
Steven Spielberg (Steven Spielberg) — James Fenimore Cooper's "Last of the Mohicans".
Kristen Stewart (Kristen Stewart) — John Steinbeck "East of Eden".
Charlize Theron (Charlize Theron) — Cormac McCarthy "The Road".
Emma Thompson (Emma Thompson) — Homer "The Odyssey".
John Travolta (John Travolta) — Arthur Hailey Airport.
Bruce Willis (Bruce Willis) — Herodotus "History".
Owen Wilson (Owen Wilson) — Mark TWAIN "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn".
Kate Winslet (Kate Winslet) — Emile Zola's "Therese Raquin."
Emma Watson (Emma Watson) — Kazuo Ishiguro the "remains of the day".
Megan Fox (Megan Fox) — James Patterson, "Kiss the girls".
Neil Patrick Harris (Neil Patrick Harris) — Katherine Paterson's "Bridge to Terabithia".
Tom Hanks (Tom Hanks) — Truman Capote in cold blood.
Anne Hathaway (Anne Hathaway) — Frances Burnett "the secret garden".
Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) — Virgil's "Aeneid".
David Schwimmer (David Schwimmer) — F. M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot".
Boris Akunin — Alexandre Dumas "the Three Musketeers".
Dmitry Glukhovsky — Umberto Eco "the name of the rose".
Sergei Lukyanenko — The Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes."
Ksenia Sobchak — Antoine de Saint-Exupery "the Little Prince".
Chulpan Khamatova — Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland".
Evgeny Chichvarkin — Ayn Rand "Atlas shrugged".
Keywords: Celebrities | Actors | Classic | Books | Literature | Reading