Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

Categories: Health and Medicine | History | World |

There is a theory that every hundred years, our planet holds a "self-cleaning". Perhaps it may seem ridiculous to you, but if you look at the statistics, it becomes obvious — every century humanity is really suffering from terrible diseases and epidemics. And that's the reason why this happens is anyone's guess...

Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet
Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

In 1720-ies the whole of Europe was gripped by an epidemic of bubonic plague, which is called "Marseilles". It is in the city of Marseille was the first recorded victim of the disease — they were crew members of a merchant ship "Grand Saint Antoine" that may 25, 1720, arrived in the city harbour.

Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet
Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

The doctors decided that these 6 people died as a result of eating poor quality food, but soon began to die, other people, including several port workers and members of their families. The city authorities tried to keep it secret to avoid causing panic, but the number of victims is rapidly growing.

At the beginning and midst of the epidemic there was not a single case of recovery. The situation began to improve only in October, 1721, but by the time "the plague of Marseilles" has already managed to claim the lives of approximately 100 thousand people. In December of the same year, doctors announced the termination of the epidemic, although sporadic cases were recorded and later.

One hundred years later, humanity was faced with another problem — the first of its kind the cholera pandemic. It started near the Indian city of Calcutta, but soon spread throughout Southeast Asia, East Africa and reached the Mediterranean coast of Europe.

Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet
Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

In the pandemic killed hundreds of thousands of people (maybe even millions). Finally to stop the spread of the disease was only seven years later in 1824. It is believed that this contributed to the remarkably cold winters, due to which cholera vibrios had perished in the waters affected by the epidemic countries.

Spanish flu or, as it is called, "Spanish flu" claimed more lives than the First and Second world wars combined. In the period from 1919 to 1920 (18 months) were infected with about 550 million people, and it is about 29.5% of the total population of the planet.

Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

No wonder the Spaniard is considered the most massive flu pandemic in the history of mankind as the number of infected and number of deaths — there are about 100 million. Till now it was considered the last serious epidemic and continues to be the most deadly.

And now, after another 100 years the world learns about a new disease... Flash COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, but now the virus is in all parts of the world. Just a few months the total number of cases reached almost 1.5 million, and the number of victims exceeds 80 thousand.

Every day in different countries is fixed from 100 to several thousand new cases of the disease. Record of deaths currently in the USA — almost 2 thousand people per day. In addition to the States, mostly from pandemic affected Spain, Italy and France.

Epidemic every 100 years, or As self-cleaning planet

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and through contact with contaminated surfaces. The main danger lies in the fact that between infection and first symptoms can take from 5 to 14 days, and sometimes the disease is generally asymptomatic.

So one can not even guess what is peddlers. In this regard, most countries declared a strict quarantine and a mask mode.

After reading all this, do you think, what will happen to Earth in the 2120?

Keywords: Disease | Influenza | Coronavirus | Death | Cholera | Mankind | Plague | Epidemic

