Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

Categories: Asia |

Petr Lovygin writes: “Having said goodbye to Shanghai, we ended up in Dali with two transfers. Dali is divided into two cities: the new, boring and old, built in the xs century, but long ago. And surrounded by a fortress. Such were the orders before. The Chinese with UNESCO should be kissed on both cheeks for keeping all this. Since then, maybe on one roof the tiles have been shifted in places, and everything is like in the good old days under the emperor. Naturally we are going to Old Dali.”

(Total 30 photos)

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

Source: Journal/lovigin

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

3. First I will show you a hotel room. Here he is! 30$ per night. A painted tree grows from my bed. Marusya calls on Skype and is surprised: “Do you live in a kindergarten?” Yes, yes, my cherry locker.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

5. Having eaten unfavorably, because I managed to do it for as much as 500 rubles (which is an unheard of amount for an extremely budgetary China), I went out onto the central street of the city. And he exclaimed loudly: "What the hell!" Hundreds, thousands of tourists wandered back and forth!!!... And where are these Chinese mothers with yokes? where are the fathers in wide conical hats carrying bundles of brushwood? where are the naked children slurping from the puddles? Where is all this? But having moved away from the center literally a couple of hundred meters, all this quickly appeared, it became simple and I calmed down ...

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

10. And then look at what fifas are dissecting in Ancient China!

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

11. As Basta said: “They are guarded by the guys from the Triad, and these guys were not very happy with us.”

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

12. There are also those. Although I like fifa more.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

14. For reference: The Dali-Bay region is inhabited by the Bai people. This nation is wrinkled old women in multi-colored clothes. I could not somehow identify my grandfathers: they are all like Lao Tzu to me.

Oh yes! it is also necessary to tell the story of why the roofs in China are of such a shape (I tell everyone about it). In ancient times, well, under Mao Zedong, it was believed that dragons fly from heaven, and, descending along the roof of the house, they would return to heaven again, and make such a curved shape at the corners at the roof.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

15. How long did we leave the city and our path lay in the fields. In principle, I didn’t care where to go, the main thing is to walk, because this is the best way to lose weight.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

17. The peasants, shedding sweat in the field, with dispersal call in the van waiting for them. While no one saw, I stole an ear of corn from someone's plot. Timon Timonych, the merry fellow, did not support me in this. He's not really funny at all. If only he broke the door in the guesthouse, or broke the window ... otherwise it’s completely straight.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

19. And here's a cool thing. Everything around is hung with spiders hanging from the sky. "Here's supper!" say the peasants, raising their eyes upward. Just in time for dinner, we returned to the city. But about the entertainment of the night Dali, I’d better write a separate post.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

20. Having turned on your logistics genius the day before and planned the entire journey to the end, the next day the main task was to get all the tickets for the upcoming trains. For there then the October holidays, they say not to buy. Well, this purchase was also expected as an attraction. Here is an example of a train schedule. Not a single familiar letter. Some hieroglyphs.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

21. I diligently redrawn the cities we needed with Chinese squiggles, and the girl in the cash register took it and somehow learned English in her life! Here's a smart one! How much nerves has saved us all! In the next photo, Timon Timonych, the “merry fellow,” storms the railways of the PRC. Nearby are waiting fans. They are coming from Shanghai. I don't even know how to get rid of them.

But the main thing is that posts about the Chinese platform car await you in the future. Isn't this happiness!? Buying tickets was not difficult.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

22. There was nothing more to do, and I turned on the “tourist program.” The main attraction of Dali is the nearby Three Pagodas. Chasing the rats running across the road, we found the right entrance from 4 times (everything before that turned out to be an exit). The entrance ticket cost 700 rubles. I'll look at the pagodas from behind the fence for that amount. In principle, they are also very well visible from behind the fence.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

25. Then we rode a tuk-tuk for a long time to Lake Erhai. Rickshaw, a dog, landed in some wilderness, where there is no approach to water and there is no close. All the time that we walked along the lake, he followed us, hoping that we would also ride him back.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

26. Then he drove somewhere and we went back on foot. An hour and a half went by. We saw the reincarnation of Confucius...

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

27. ... girl with noodles ...

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

28. ... and a beautiful white wall in the middle of the field. In general, all three Chinese components.

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city

29. Next time I will talk about the city of Lijiang. I went to a nightclub there and almost got into a fight. See you again. iiiiiiii Victory like this with your fingers, like all the Chinese do.)))

Chinese Dali. This is not an artist. This city


Keywords: China | Petr Lovygin

