Chaos, unsanitary, murder, cannibalism: the 5 worst prisons on the planet
It is believed that the main task of prison is rehabilitation of the person. Many countries, such as Norway, the Netherlands and Denmark are practicing this approach. But, unfortunately, the world is full of prisons, which only bear the name "correctional facility" but are actually a stronghold of violence, humiliation and, frankly, just deadly for inmates.

The number of violent prisons is decreasing every year, but that moment, when the world is in motion will see someone else will come very soon. We offer you 5 most terrible penal institutions, the conditions which are too harsh even for notorious villains.
1. Carandirú, Brazil
Located near the Brazilian metropolis of Sao Paulo Carandirú prison was closed in 2002. But despite this, it still maintains the palm of the cruelty of the conditions of detention and the inappropriate conditions of detention. Built in 1920, the prison is almost not reconstructed for 80 years of its existence and was a grim set of brick and concrete with primitive amenities and terrible unsanitary conditions.

Accurately describe life in Carandirú only one who went through this hell. Simultaneously, the number of "guests" of the prison could be anywhere from 7,500 to 10,000 people and all the army of criminals had less than 1000 employees. Employees worked in 4 shifts, so at best, at the same time in prison was not more than 250 officers and security guards. By and large, the prisoners were left to themselves — in the dungeons Carandirú flourished violence, drug abuse and debauchery.
Every fifth inmate was HIV infected, with medical assistance at the prison was extremely primitive. Carandirú dozens of prisoners died from disease, wounds received in conflicts with the inmates, as well as committing suicide. Very often when conducting operations in the prison hospital ignored anesthesia, and given the prevailing buildings in the dirt to survive after a serious illness, it is not easy.

Creepy Brazilian prison has another terrible record. In 1992 there occurred the bloodiest prison riot in the history of Brazil. It all started with a fight between two prisoners from rival gangs and developed into a real rebellion, which the prison guards and the police suppressed with arms. In the course of the operation to pacify rioting, were shot and killed 111 prisoners.
2. Tadmor, Syria
Located in Syria, near the ancient Palmyra, the Tadmor prison was destroyed by ISIL terrorists in 2015. In spite of this, it can be regarded as a world record for the torture and executions today. In the dungeons of the Tadmor of people poisoned by toxic substances pumped hard drugs, hung by the feet, starved with thirst and hunger, and killed in all possible ways.
Everything that happened in prison was well known to the authorities and took place not only with their tacit consent, but on the direct orders. The mass murder of prisoners of Tadmor occurred June 27, 1980. After the assassination of President Hafez al-Assad, the Syrian police killed, according to various estimates, from 500 to 1,200.
If violence was not used firearms — prisoners beaten to death with steel rods, pipes and axes. The exact number of victims will likely never be known, but witnesses a terrible massacre claimed that the cleaning bodies and the cleaning of courtyards, corridors and chambers of the blood out at least two weeks.
Public organizations have made the closure of Tadmor in 2001, but in 2011 the prison was back in business. More prisoners were not killed, but living conditions were such that every year about 20 prisoners themselves took his own life. Syrian poet Faraj Biraqdar spending in this prison for five years, described it as "Kingdom of death and madness".
3. Gitarama, Rwanda
Located in Rwanda near the eponymous town of Gitarama prison — quite small. It was built on the basis that at the same time in her chambers will contain up to 500 prisoners. Despite this, today in the dungeons of this correctional facility contains more than 6,000 people.
Overcrowding in the cells Gitarama hard to imagine. People are forced to sleep in tight rows on the floor or squatting, but to get this privilege, you must first wait for their turn. Solitary confinement prisons have a size of one meter on, and deprived not only of facilities and basic furniture, but the ceiling. In Gitarama, not even sewage, so the prisoners have to move around their own excrement and to constantly fend off hordes of insects.
The guards practically are not interested in what is happening in the bowels of the prison entrusted to them. Moreover, to walk around Gitarama, even with weapons is very dangerous business. The power here belongs to the criminal gangs who punish with impunity those who fell in their way.
All these "charms" you can add a constant hunger, which often leads to cannibalism among the prisoners. In Gitarama there is absolutely no medical service and people die within its walls from diseases almost daily. The authorities have not made the slightest effort to fix things, but after the coup that shook Rwanda in the 90-ies of XX century, the situation has only worsened.
4. Bangkwang, Thailand
This prison is well known to all the film "Bangkok Hilton" with Nicole Kidman in the title role. Compare to the fashionable hotel — this is a bitter mockery of the conditions in which prisoners are forced to live Bangkwang. Most cameras of this prison have the dimensions 6 by 4 meters, that does not prevent the administration to place them on 25 man.
Latrines in residential areas are not segregated, so all the prisoners held in terrible fetid atmosphere. Feed the "guests" "Bangkok-Hilton" once a day and the diet never changes — is a boiled rice and a slurry of boiled vegetables.
Shower in this Thai prison is a luxury, so the prisoners believe that they are lucky if you can shower once per month. Problems with drinking water — it is very low quality, which contributes to the spread among the prisoners of intestinal and parasitic diseases.
With all this, the authorities manage to make the worst prison in South-East Asia's idyllic appearance. Outside Bangkwang looks very decently, neatly trimmed bushes, lawns with flowers, flags and the ubiquitous portraits of the monarch and members of his family.
Diyarbakir prison is located in the town of the same name, which is considered a resort and tourist center. But the conditions of detention and regime in the facility can not be called not only a resort, but simply human. This is one of the few adult prisons where you can serve your sentence juvenile offenders, including life.
Administration diyarbekerli prison has on prisoners absolute power. The guards no doubt resort to violence and torture is commonplace here. In 1996, under the pretext of suppression of the prison riot, the guards were killed 10 and injured 23 inmates.
In this Turkish prison, there's not only no rehabilitation programs, but also basic medical care. Like most other Turkish prisons, diyarbakır incredibly crowded. Thousands of prisoners live in appalling conditions, without basic amenities and get meagre food of the lowest quality.